Berwick Middle School

Lovaine Terrace, Berwick Upon Tweed, Northumberland TD15 1LA

Berwick Middle School

  1. School Information
  2. Personal Development
  3. Learning Mentors

Learning Mentor


In school, we have a Learning Mentor who works with pupils who have been identified as needing additional pastoral support. 


Our Learning Mentor

Linzi Middlemist

 These support sessions can be individual or group sessions depending on the situation and circumstances, and these sessions are held in our newly renovated 'Hub'.



There are no set of criteria that a pupil needs to meet to be allocated to our Learning Mentor. We aim to be flexible and to provide support for any pupils who we feel would benefit from support from a Learning Mentor. Pupils can access support from, and time to work with, a Learning Mentor for any number of reasons including bereavement, behaviour issues, home issues, safeguarding concerns, friendship issues, changes in home situation etc. 




Any staff member can identify a pupil as needing support from, and time to work with, a Learning Mentor and pupils and parents themselves can also request this support.